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Change currency and minimum price

In this tutorial section we change the marketplace currency and we set a minimum price for transactions.

Table of Contents

There are several files that affect the configuration of the Sharetribe Web Template. The bottom layer consists of environment variables and all the files in the src/config folder. In addition to that, you can adjust many of your marketplace settings through Console.

Environment variables and configuration files

You make a lot of adjustments to your marketplace via environment variables, configuration files and through Console. These configurations are specific to the runtime environment. For example, the REACT_APP_SHARETRIBE_SDK_CLIENT_ID environment variable might be pointing to the client ID of your Sharetribe development environment on localhost and on your staging server (if you have one).

You already have set up a couple of those environment variables, when you completed the Getting started with the Sharetribe Web Template. That happened, when you executed command:

yarn run config

That config script asked you to input all mandatory variables and then created a new hidden file: ".env". You can open that file with your preferred text editor:

└── .env

A full list of environment variables can be found here: template environment variables. You can change any of these variables locally by just editing the .env file. Then you need to restart the server by running yarn run dev again.

You can also find a full list of configuration variables that can be changed through the template codebase in the Configuration variables article.

Change the currency

Most configurations are defined in the different files in the src/config folder.

└── src
    └── config
        └── configDefault.js

Some environment variables are imported in the configDefault.js file, which is then imported into the components that use those variables.

However, the configDefault.js file also contains other variables that are hard-coded in the file.

One of those variables is marketplace currency. To change it, you will need to add the correct currency code. You can check the available currencies in src/config/settingsCurrency.js.

  // Marketplace currency.
  // The currency used in the Marketplace must be in ISO 4217 currency code. For example USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, etc. The default value is USD.
  // It should match one of the currencies listed in currencySettings.js
- currency: 'USD',
+ currency: 'EUR',

If you already created listings before changing the currency, listings using the old currency will not be bookable anymore. The Sharetribe Web Template does not support multiple currencies and does not know how to convert a listing's price from one currency to another.

If you have existing listings in another currency, you can close those listings through Console.

The configDefault.js file defines the currency and exports it among other variables:


  1. Your component can then use the configurations by implementing the useConfiguration hook:

    import { useConfiguration } from '../../context/configurationContext';
    const SomeComponent = props => {
     const config = useConfiguration();
  2. Later in that component, the currency can be referenced from config:

    const currency = config.currency;


In this tutorial, we changed the marketplace currency. Currency needs to be edited through the configDefault.js file by changing the currency code to the desired value.

Further reading